Hemaseh Manawi Rad creates artworks of textiles and ceramics. In her work the artist becomes a storyteller who uses the colorful materials in her own symbolic visual language. In this, stories of her family, memories from childhood and cherished traditions are closely interwoven.
Her work is like a poetic puzzle piece connecting the West and the Middle East, where her roots lie. Through the playful way of narrating, she makes specific situations recognizable. The subjects visualised in the works are based on Hemaseh’s personal life, drawing from memories, traditions, stories and experiences. The work can be seen as a new language in which the images can be read as diary fragments.
With sowing, weaving and tufting Hemaseh creates personal and expressive works which call on the viewer to identify with them. She challenges the viewer to enter non-Western perspectives and settings and seduces them to stay there.
• Exhibitions at Galerie Bart: Heard It Through the Grapevine 2024 • Art Rotterdam 2023 • Between Here and There 2022
Hemaseh Manawi Rad (1995) graduated from AKV St. Joost, BA of Fine Arts in 2018. Since then has been living and working in Eindhoven. From 2020 to 2021, Hemaseh did the Inversie program of TalentHub Brabant. She exhibited her work in several group and solo exhibitions in the Netherlands such as Bad Feminist at Melkweg Expo in Amsterdam, van Hier en Verder at KunstLoc in Tilburg, Heard It Through the Grapevine at Galerie Bart in Amsterdam, Stitched Narratives at Het Noordbrabants Museum in ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Mixed Nuts; Tales of our own perception (as curator & artist) at MaMA in Rotterdam and Art Rotterdam.
2023 •
09.10 Eindhovens Dagblad Perzisch tapijt met panterprint: Hemaseh Manawi Rad balanceert tussen twee culturen by Anneke van Wolfswinkel.
2021 •
19.10 Witte Rook Inversie op This Art Fair by Benjamin Schoones.
27.09 Indebuurt Eindhoven Kunstenaar Hemaseh over haar gemixte roots: ‘Mijn kunst is traditioneel in een modern jasje’ by Anna van den Berg.
29.08 Mister Motley Druk om te pres(en)teren – This Art Fair 2021 by Puck Kroon.
26.08 De Volkskrant Op kunstbeurs This Art Fair is de kunstenaar aan zet: zélf opbouwen, zélf presenteren, zélf verkopen by Sarah van Binsbergen.
25.08 Het Parool Drie kunstenaars over This Art Fair: ‘Beperking stimuleert de creativiteit’ by Edo Dijksterhuis.
2020 •
23.08 The TittyMag Sunday Scroll #46: Wie is Hemaseh Manawi Rad?
06.02 NAP nieuws Kunstenaars Melkweg Expo ‘Bad Feminist’ vieren diversiteit by Melisa Can.
2019 •
12.12 Witte Rook Hemaseh Manawi Rad: overloop tussen Nederlandse en Iraanse cultuur by Kyki Vermaire.
28.08 MaMA The House of Manawi Keke is een house geïnspireerd op houses uit de drag cultuur, met een beeldende kunst twist.