Rotteveel Vermeer

duo exhibition

06.12.2024 08.03.2025

Galerie Bart is proud to present the duo exhibition BOLD by Jochem Rotteveel (1976) and Thomas Vermeer (1984), expressing their shared fascination for colour. Coming from completely different worlds, art and fashion, Jochem and Thomas have now been working together for three years. The duo’s working methods and use of colour were inspired by the cities of Naples, Busan and Seoul. In BOLD, this is reflected in the use of voluminous folds and well-considered colours that lead to a pronounced result.    

The works are made after the technique of Rotteveel, who considers himself a painter. Instead of a brush and paint, he uses foil and tape. Characterised by a hard-edge style, originating from the 1960s, the compositions are built from tight fields of colour. ‘Because the colours do not blend with each other, the relationship they establish with each other is precisely what makes them so important’. The style of Vermeer, a fashion stylist by origin, can be recognised by a carefully chosen colour balance and the use of complementary materials within the silhouette.  

The duo’s exceptional technique leads to a unique result. The folds in the foil allow your gaze to be guided through the areas of colour. Your eyes mix the colours. In addition, the duo explores the limits of the medium: volume is added to the flat surfaces. The material takes on a pasty appearance where the origin is not immediately revealed. As a viewer, you are not sure whether this is metal, plastic or ceramic.

• More about Rotteveel Vermeer


06.12.24 / 17.00 – 20.00: Opening duo exhibition BOLD.

You are most welcome to join us for the festive opening of BOLD.