

Kevin Bauer

solo exhibition

25.10.2024 30.11.2024

In his solo exhibition eras[e], Kevin Bauer presents new works that focus on the creation, footprint, and contemplation of human traces.

Each of us leaves traces through our everyday actions, but as a collective, humanity also imprints itself on the planet—on the earth, in the air, and the water. These traces extend even beyond our world, with the evidence of our presence lasting for hundreds of thousands of years. Some of these marks are seen as signs of progress—technological advancements and cultural achievements—while others, like environmental destruction, war, or political repression, are associated with harm and loss. How do we judge whether the traces we leave behind are positive or negative? How much control do we truly have over the legacy we create?

Rather than offering clear answers to these questions, Bauer’s works invite reflection. He visualizes what might endure from today far into the future. The artist explores how materials we now consider pollutants might one day be seen as beautiful. Objects once discarded as obsolete may take on new roles. For instance, an abandoned car might eventually become a refuge for small animals. Through this lens, Bauer examines the transformation and reinterpretation of the traces we leave behind.

• More about Kevin Bauer


25.10.23 / 17.00 – 20.00: Opening solo exhibition eras[e].

You are most welcome to join us for the festive opening of eras[e].

Artworks coming soon
