Two Parts Impossible, One Part May Be

Two Parts Impossible, One Part May Be

Choki Lindberg, Jeroen Cremers, Toni van Tiel

group exhibition

27.11.2021 05.02.2022

Galerie Bart is proud to present Two Parts Impossible, One Part May Be, an exhibition that explores the idea of long forgotten utopias, future dystopias and alternative realities. The exhibited artists Choki Lindberg, Jeroen Cremers and Toni van Tiel are operating on the borders of the impossible and what could be.

Choki Lindberg (b. 1979, DK) has a fascination with abandoned houses and the beauty of decay. For this exhibition, she has created the first five photographs of her new series 10 HOUSES. Inspired by the spread of COVID-19 amongst populations, her focus in this series is on houses situated in the biggest cities of the world. With Google Earth, she walks through Tokyo, Mexico City or Caïro, stopping at houses that look abandoned, or have stood the test of time. She rebuilds them in small scale, and photographs them out of context. The result is a poetic ode to humanity, as well as an indictment of the choices we have made in the past.

Toni van Tiel (b. 1979, NL) is a sculptor or architect on paper. Like Choki, his interest goes to manmade constructions. In his drawings, he creates monuments, fountains, and roundabouts: sculptures in fantasy public spaces. They exist on paper, and the viewer’s imagination does the rest. Ideas for the drawings come to him intuitively and humour plays a big role in his work. You see an enormous sculpture proposed by Toni in one of his drawings and imagine how the diminutive passersby would gawk at it. Until you realize that these passersby are never present in the drawings. The monuments stand abandoned. For whom where they erected?

Jeroen Cremers (b. 1972, NL) is similarly intrigued by sculptural and architectural remnants of foreign cultures, like Ancient Egypt or fantasized science fiction societies. In his recent work he expresses this interest by creating ceramic creatures that somehow seem to have mated with an alien species. Instead of a head they carry expressive geometrical shapes on their shoulders, giving them a dishevelled appearance, as if they were old, ravaged by decay and patched up again.
Now Jeroen views this imagined impermanence with different eyes: corona has turned everything upside down. He suddenly feels like a prophet of the future; what he had feared – a worldwide disaster – actually has happened. Working with ceramics means working with a factor of uncertainty. It complements seamlessly with the now so topical theme of his sculptures.

The title Two Parts Impossible, One Part May Be almost reads like the start of a recipe. Or could it be the start of the thinking process of the participating artists? By mixing their ideas together in one exhibition, the visitor is invited to walk around like an archaeologist, and to excavate the secrets of the presented drawings, photographs and objects.

• More information about • Choki LindbergToni van Tiel.

Special events

27.11.2021 / 13:00 – 18:00: Opening.

You are welcome to join us for the opening of Two Part Impossible, One Part May Be.
We are following the Dutch COVID-19 regulations.



2022 •
13.01 Het Parool Een enorm roombroodje gepresenteerd als architectonisch hoogtepunt by Edo Dijksterhuis.

Two Parts Impossible, One Part May Be